a little photo diary with bits of my days... for more follow me on instagram: @lauramazurek
Nourishing myself with sunshine + my daily tonic. (as I type this is rainy and freezing outside)...
The cutest pic of Violet Mae. Macrame by Pretty Kooky.
Golden Milk. (wood slice by Nature Bound)
Pretty things. Wood candle holders by Nature Bound.
Beautiful ring by Cultivated Dreams.
Dreamcatcher I made for a friend.
Car drive with my boy.
I'm obsessed with speckled eggs.
Sneak Peek of pretties that will be featured in the next Bohemian Collective magazine. Shirt - Raga II necklace - flora & fauuna II macrame - Pretty Kooky
Ooak mug from etsy, in my new favorite spot on the porch.
Some images I shared on Instagram throughout the past week or so... Life lately. Click on the images to see them bigger in a slideshow!
We went on a nature hike with our friends Jonny and Tia. It was so fun and nice to be with them. The boys got crazy and moved a tree that had fallen over across a field to build a bridge across the river, that failed. Ha ha, but it was fun to watch them!
James and I got haircuts. The first pic is the before pic! Then we got to hang out with donkeys, and see a cat sit on top of a donkey! A fun perk of getting your haircut in the hill country!
Yummies... I have been in a bit of a food rut lately... And the cookie dough I found last night does not help! Ha ha. But it is sooooo freakin good! And James made crepes twice! Heaven!
Music Ive been enjoying this week. Along with Tom Petty's Echo album. It's been several years since I knew where it was... so I bought it two weeks ago at CD Exchange b/c it was $3, and then I found it that night at home. What??????????
I have started a new fashion hair trend. I have danced some shit out. I have worn my warrior paint. And I have expressed my heart through portraits.
I got the most rad blue velvet leggings in the mail from Chicwish. An outfit post coming soon... Ill be wearing them as much as I can before the weather gets too hot!
I am absolutely hands down ridiculously excited for this weekend because Im having a campout with my soul sister Robin. My heart aches at the thought of it. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! (but Im sure Ill be back tomorrow before then) xo.