These images above make me that happiest girl in the world. Something huge shifted in my marriage this past week. FOOD. Its always been a struggle with James and I b/c to be frank, he hates vegetables, and really only likes meat, pasta and bread. So I usually try to eat light and healthy during the day and then cave to his likings at night for dinner. Although for a while we were almost eating our own dinners everynight b/c I just didn't want pasta and chicken again. Alot of it is my fault in the fact that I get a bit lazy figuring out new ways to cook it. It doesn't excite me the way most veggies do. So, after having two really boring pasta meals in a row last week, even James got disgusted and angry at our eating habits. Then he went on a recipe hunting spree and by the time we needed to go to the grocery store the next day he had 5 recipes and a desert and salad (for me) all lined up. Honestly, at first I was a little nervous we would buy a bunch of stuff and then have it go bad in the fridge b/c of our deep eating habits. But OMG was I wrong! For the first time ever (besides making french toast) James has been in the kitchen cooking every dinner. I can't even express how this makes me feel. It only took almost 6 years, but hey, I don't care anymore!!! And of course all the meals he picked out were meat, but they are all super different and yummy, and its a really good start!
This meal above is the only exception to the meat. And the only one I didn't get a real photo of. He actually cooked this meal for our friends who came over that night, and it was his first time cooking pasta ever. It was baked spinach and ricotta stuffed pasta shells. I couldn't believe he picked a recipe that even had spinach in it! And he loved it! I don't think even he believed he was eating it. (Im hoping this is the beginning of him trying new things he thought he hated in new ways and discovering he actually does like them). And next I need to get him working on the side dishes, they were all after thoughts that were thrown together with what we had on hand.