
Seven Years.  Today my mother has been gone from this earth for 7 years.  It's crazy to think about all that has transpired within seven years, that she has not been here to witness.  She has walked with me in spirit all along the way, I know.  But oh the things I wish I could sit down and talk with her about.  The difference in who I have become from age 25 to 32.  I guess actually I am a completely different person, since I have heard it takes 7 years for every cell in our bodies to die and renew themselves.  But in so many ways, I am such a different person.  I wish I could sit down with her, through all the things Ive experienced and learned, and have real heart to hearts with her.  I'd love to still get to know her more deeply as a person too.  I'd love to inquire about so much.  I'd love for her to still be my best friend, here on earth.

One thing seven years has also brought though is peace.  Peace with her being gone.  I'll never stop wishing she was here, of course, but I am so much more at peace with the reality of it these days.  This summer will be 4 years since my daddy has been gone too.  I think part of the peace comes from the time gone by since I lost him too.  Just as I was gaining peace a few years ago with my mom's death, my dad was suddenly gone too, and the pain started all over again.  Some days life is simply just odd without them here.  Some days it just hits me.  Cuts to the bone when I know I will never be able to touch their skin again.   Some days it feels like I never had parents to begin with.  I know that sounds strange.  But there are times, when day after day of them not being here, it begins to feel like they were never here.  I can't describe it.  I feel so thankful when they visit me in my dreams, or show themselves through an animal in passing.  Those little moments that bring them back to life in a flash. 

Seven years ago I lost the most amazing woman I have ever known.  I am so blessed I was HER daughter.  From what so many people tell me, she lives on through me in so many ways.  I hope people never stop seeing her when they look at me. 

I have a photo of her that I keep next to me on my desk.  It was from a day her and I had a date at a local (gone) coffee shop called Fool Moon.  We sat outside in the sunshine, drank coffees, talked, and got silly with the camera.  It's a picture of her sipping her coffee, and her eyes just radiate.  Everyone in my family has a copy of it, and they all say its their favorite picture of her.  I remember the fun and joy we had with each other that day, and it radiates from her eyes.  I would kill to sit on that bench with her one more time and tell each other all of our secrets.  But since I know I can't, instead I have heart to hearts with her in my mind.  I talk to her through the trees and with the birds.  I seek the love she held day after day through my own living.  In my heart, she will always be alive.


Bohemian Collective Magazine
I’m constantly blown away by people’s Talent. Art. Love. Kindness. Support. Strength. Bravery. Beauty. and so much more. This community that has formed around me online is full of so much radness.
— myself

I just posted this as my facebook status.  Then felt called to write about it here.  I really am.  So constantly inspired by others, and blown away with their creations, love, and so much more.  I have been working with other artists for years now, through collaborations of all sorts.  This community is one of the kindest, loving and sincere groups of people Ive ever met.  I guess partly b/c when we communicate with each other, we get each other.  We understand the artist within the other.  We are kind of our own breed in a way.  Along the way I have met many who are just competitive, jealous, judgemental, petty, or only show up to use you... but luckily I can say they are fewer and further between these days.  It feels like the Art community has softened the last few years (at least within the people I have come in contact with) and even myself.  Or maybe its b/c when I recognize those qualities in people I tend to just leave them alone.  There is more community, and rising up for each other, and sharing each other out of love. 

Ive been working on building the spring issue for the Bohemian Collective Magazine, and the heartfelt exchanges that go on through this creation are so overwhelmingly beautiful.  I feel so honored to be working with so many people with such big hearts.  I also feel so welcomed and loved through this community, which only further feeds my passion for what I do.  I have made some of the best of friends through this.  And while I can't personally connect so deeply with each person, the small connections made through simple emails are just so sweet.

Sometimes it just fills me to the brim with joy.  I love what I do.


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I just had to share this photo of me and James from my instagram this last week.  It is my favorite photo of us to date.  Together, we can be pretty darn dorky and silly. 

This morning we had a donut date and went looking for garage sales.  I haven't had a donut in so long and I saw a photo on instagram the other day of some donuts, and I just had to have one.  I told James I wanted a donut date, so that is just what we did this morning.  We didn't find any good garage sales, but we did go visit the sweet little rock lady that we met a few months ago and got some new pretty rocks!  You can see them on my instagram.  So so pretty.  I absolutely love talking to her about rocks too, the sweetest lady. 

So far, this is a pretty good weekend!  Last night I got to hang out with one of my besties and it was just the best time.  It had been so long since we had been able to go out b/c of her pregnancy, so it was way overdue, and I think we both soaked up every second of it.  We got to listen to a local duo friends of ours play some good tunes too.  Perfect.  Hope everyone else is having a great weekend! 


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outfit details:

james: shirt - skyline fever // jeans - american eagle // shoes c/o ropesouls

laura: crochet top - the universal mind // crochet vest - f21 // shorts c/o sheinside // hat - // shoes c/o ropesouls // eagle necklace - roots and feathers // long deerskin necklace - sun & glory // bracelets - spiral drift + moorea seal 


I'm pretty darn excited about this outfit post b/c James is in it too!  The sweet Kylee from Ropesouls sent us both a pair of their handmade rope sandals to try out, so we thought it would be fun to style them up together!  I love the idea behind their company, changing lives through the creation of their shoes.  Read more about it here.  And read about their current project bringing jobs to Ethiopia here.  I think it is pretty rad what they are doing.

We took these down by our second private river spot in our subdivision, and were super sad to see the water was so low down there.  One of the deepest spots and it's already so low you don't really want to get in.  Luckily our river spots are still so beautiful just to go on nature walks, so even without the water its beautiful.  But man do I dream of the summers we used to have growing up here when the river were abundant and flowing and you could tube and rope swing.   

On a random note, I have seen more baby deer this year than ever!  Everywhere I look there is a baby deer, or two!  Almost everyday.  They are just the cutest damn things in the whole world.  I still squeal every time I see one.  I wish so badly I could have a mini deer pet!  And yesterday I had a deer come up to my studio window while I was working in there and peek in very curiously.  It was so cute! 


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