lunar flow by moondaughter.JPG

Hello shining souls! This is Marissa from Moondaughter. I am here to share with you this course I've created for all you sensitive moon gypsies out there. Lunar Flow is for all the healers, empaths, and sensitive souls to balance and restore your energy working with the moon phases.

I must confess, I need to take this course desperately. This past weekend, I caught a horrible flu virus and stayed in bed for four days. For my very go-go-go personality, this was so hard to work with. I kept thinking about all the stuff I 'need' and 'should' do, and I realized I don't know how to rest! It was only until my immune system was under attack and my body too weak to stand, that I could fully rest. The Universe forced me to.

I believe everything does happen for a reason, and getting sick under the waning moon, taught me I need to release outdated beliefs I still have about my body. I need to listen to my body more, nourish her more, walk my talk more, rest more. I can so easily guide and help others, but too often I put my needs aside for later. As a sensitive moon soul myself, I need to get reconnected with my lunar flow once again and I hope you will join me if you feel called to.

Starting on the New Moon of September 5th, we will explore the energies of each moon phase and how it affects us. As healers and empaths and creatives, energetic boundaries are so important to maintain to keep walking down our soul paths. This energy and observing will be different for everyone, so Lunar Flow is the container for you to dive in and explore.

Within the 4 weeks we will delve into:

Week One: Types of Empathy, Find your Restorer Stone, New Moon energy, begin Lunar observations, ritual

Week Two: Maiden energy, Healing energies for the Waxing phase, Crystal gridding

Week Three: Mothering/ Full Moon energy, Autumnal observance Balancing ritual, Divinations

Week Four: Crone energy, Healing energies for the waning phase, conclude Lunar Observations, guided meditation

Your dedication to yourself, by observing your energy, listening to your body and intuition is the core of this course

There will be a private Facebook Community for support and witnessing of your journey, as well as a private website with the content. 

The course is $50 for 4 weeks or by signing up for Moon Rhythms or the CMP it's at a discounted price. This is the foundational course of my accredited Certified Metaphysical Practitioner program as well. Within the program we will explore Tarot, Crystal Healing, and the Chakras. But first, we lay the foundations in Lunar Flow. However you can take this course separately without being in the program :) 

Here on Laura's blog I am giving a space away for one lovely soul! Just enter here! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will answer!

SO honored to be on this path with you all <3 <3 And thank you beautiful Laura for holding.




As the days go by I'm getting more and more excited for this beautiful ecourse to be released.  I'm so honored to be a little part of it, sharing my experiences of healing through art.   

This is what they have written about Soulsigh

  “Join us on July 22 for a 4-week journey filled with art assignments, soul prompts, yummy guests, private access to a sacred circle of soulful, wild women, meditations, rituals, our whole hearts, and more.” 

So often we become disconnected from our hearts and intuition through shame, disappointment, disillusionment, and lack of gentle witness from a wild sisterhood of wise women. This e-course is designed to bring you into a loving relationship with your body and spirit through deep nurture and tenderness in preparation for birth. All creativity is birth, whether it is a creative lovechild or your own soul-awakening. We honor your creative feminine and invite her to thrive, joyful and abundant, within your heart.

This four-week course follows the cycles of the moon, carrying us through light and dark, swelling and emptying as we love ourselves home through nourishing self-care, intimate witness, and healing rituals.  We come alongside you for this journey, humble and vulnerable, sharing our own stories.



If you want to learn more about this course and possibly even join us, find all your yummy info here at



This month I am taking Laura Emily's Manifesting Abundance course, and so far its been a beautiful thing to mix spirit with finance.  I set up my sacred space for this month just for this, manifesting.  Ill show more of it later... These are just a few from my new moon solar eclipse night with this space.  I burned a candle along with some herbs and citrine quartz while stating all of the abundance I am manifesting at this time.  I've been writing these things down for months now it seems, but it felt really good to just sit there and verbally speak them out loud as they came to me.  ​

Seeing my friends baby come into this world this week has actually shifted my perspective in alot of ways, and has all of a sudden made me realize that having a child really is something I want in my life, sooner than later.  Ive been so scared for so long since my mom died, but I think now being surrounded by my closest friends having their own first time babies, its shifted something in me.  Seeing that even though her pregnancy and birth did not go the way she dreamt it would at all, but seeing her face when she got to hold her baby, just made all of that go away and so worth it.​  And seeing Jeff's face the day she was born made me know exactly how James would feel, and I want him to experience that.  Kind of crazy how one little baby can all of a sudden create this feeling inside of me. 

Im also about to be doing a 10 day fast with Laura Emily that starts tomorrow.  (you can still join us by today!!!)​  It's going to be an intense one though.  Im so nervous, but looking forward to the detox and release from it.  The perfect timing for the things Ive been shedding lately.  It will be the physical part to my emotional/spiritual release.  Warning:  I may be very grumpy for the next two weeks, ha ha!  I have no idea!  <---- I think that is more of a warning to my husband!

​Happy mother's day to everyone!  Including those who are not mothers to children, but who are mothers to creativity and healers of the earth.  We are all mothers in one way or another.



I found this poster at a local thrift store and just about squealed when I did.  The image is an old photo of Josephine Street Cafe in San Antonio, and in the background you can see my mother, who was a waitress there when this photo was taken.  Before my time of conception even came about.  I have an old print of it that my mom had.  And I had no idea it was ever turned into a poster!  Hands down, the best thrift find Ive ever come across!  I wish my mom could see it, she would of been so excited! 

Lately I have found myself with a heavy heart.  Even on my good days, they still feel laced with heaviness.  My husband has too.  I think we are both in a place of transition in our lives.  In our 30's, loving our lives, but still dreaming of other places and things we want to be doing, but feeling tied down by financial responsibilities.  And the weight of big, life altering choices, is very hard for both of us.  Neither of us are the type to just leap and see where we land.  We are both very goal oriented and security oriented.  Which is fine for now, since we are taking this time to just dream.  Dream of where we want to be, what we want to be doing, etc.  I know James is dreaming of the little girl he wants to have... Im dreaming of living out at my parents house, and the things Id love to do out there.   

Im also dreaming of things that are to come with this blog of mine.  Things I want to share.  And also dealing with the emotions that come along with having others mimic my sacred space here.  Im still learning how to cut the emotional cord that drains me of my energy when this happens.  Learning to see the value in the lessons these kinds of people have to offer me.  Learning the layers of myself that still need peeling from old and fresh wounds of this kind. 

Much deeper than either of these things, I have things on my heart that are just much too personal to talk about online.  But they are serious things I need to heal within myself.  Im pretty sure I am going to start some counseling soon for this.  It scares me a little to do that.  But Im realizing after so long of this part of me not coming to light, I cannot do it on my own.  I need someone to help guide me through it. 

One thing that has been kind of interesting lately is that ever since I did the releasing ceremony on new years eve with my dads ashes, I no longer dream about just him, or just my mom.  They both seem to be in most of my nightly dreams, just there, together, like they have always been there.  Its comforting to always see them together.  And since then, I have felt a huge sadness leave their home and property.  It feels like it is slowly being restored back to harmony, and the birds are the ones gathering and spreading seeds of new life.