This beautiful soul stirring image was lovingly borrowed from Rain's blog post... she has a way with words and images...

This beautiful soul stirring image was lovingly borrowed from Rain's blog post... she has a way with words and images...

Friends... It is almost time for me to descend back into the dark along with the Wild Mystics and I wanted to extend the invitation to you, and introduce you if you are not yet introduced... My passionate sisters Rain & Mandy have collaborated to create an ecourse that takes you down into the depths of your soul and asks you the real questions, the ones you may not have wanted to ask yourself for far too long, but the ones you know you desperately need to glimpse at, and make whole... This is all done in a very non-evasive way, and allows you to explore yourself through true creativity and through nature.  I began this course in the beginning of winter with their last session and did not fully finish b/c I personally was not ready to dive that deep.  But my time is now...

Read more about the course if you feel the pull in your heart to go deeper...
