outfit details:
sheer top //
pants // handmade
shoes //
necklace //
rings // f21
bracelet //
There might be a bit more outfit posts for a little while b/c its just been so darn pretty outside! The warmer weather creeping in has got me excited to get out more. I'm sooooo ready for spring. So unbelievably ready. I just want to lay on the ground and feel the warmth of the sun all over me. I cannot wait!
Thank you so much for the love you showed for my new mini prayer flags yesterday! I'm excited to be in the studio all day working on custom orders. You guys make this dream of mine come true!!!
And can I just say... my heart is constantly in awe at the love you guys show through your comments, and through personal emails I receive. Thank you for allowing me to feel safe and loved in this space. I am someone who has to feel safe in my environment in order to open my heart, so thank you for creating that kind of environment here. It means the world to me.
Be sure to check back on the blog tomorrow b/c Bella is presenting a fun giveaway! Eeeek!

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