Say Hello To My Little Friends - December Edition >>>

shop //   blog //  facebook //  twitter

 shop //  blog //  facebook //  twitter

 shop //  blog //  facebook //  twitter

 shop //  blog //  facebook //  twitter

 shop //  blog //  facebook //  twitter

 shop //  facebook

 shop //  blog //  facebook

 shop //  shop II //  blog //  facebook //  twitter

shop //  blog //  facebook //  twitter


shop //  blog //  facebook //  twitter

 shop //  facebook //  twitter

 Another fantastic group of peeps for December!  Good way to end the year!  Looking forward to all the new artisans and bloggers we will meet throughout the new year ahead!  If you are wanting a last minute sponsor spot and think you can get your info to me by tomorrow morning at the latest, then email me at violet_bella {at} hotmail {dot} com to reserve your spot.  Only medium and small spots left.
