I thought I'd pop in real quick for an update.  I did not get a chance to do my 35 week portrait, so this was my 36 week portrait.  My camera battery died on me after a few snaps, so this was the only good one that came out.  There is obviously a HUGE difference in my belly since two weeks ago!  Little babe is really growing.  Although camera angle and the fact that my bosom was completely smooshed by this adorable little top that no longer fits me, makes a big difference on appearance on camera.  I sure do love this ripe belly shot though! 

I will be 37 weeks along tomorrow!  Which means I get my green light to do a home birth.  We will have our first midwife appointment in our home on friday.  Our birthing classes are really picking up in intensity and information and it's been really awesome to experience that with James.  He has gone from being unsure about the whole class experience to actually really liking it.  Last night we ended up chatting with another couple after class for a while and found we had alot in common. 

Last week I did a huge closet sale on my instagram and let go of a ton of stuff.  It felt so nice to get those piles of things sent off to new homes to enjoy.  I also had my blessingway this weekend with a few of my girlfriends and the experience was so beautiful.  I will do a whole post on it soon with tons of photos.  We all forgot to bring a real camera, so thank goodness for smart phones!  It was one of the best days I've ever had though.  Truly beautiful.

James is home for a few days so we are taking advantage of it and getting a few things done around the house, wholesale orders finished up, and stuff like that so we can relax a bit more in the upcoming weeks.  Something I seriously need some more of.  Emotional stress has been a bit high in our house lately, so some good chill time is definitely in store for us before we make this huge transition. 

Time for some coffee and a chat with my Nanna.  xo


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This week I got a little behind on the portraits... These are from 34 weeks.  The sweet babies breath was gifted to me at my baby shower from my friend Tiffany.  I have enjoyed using it in all kinds of photos since.  I have only had dried babies breath before, and I really loved the beautiful white color of it fresh! 

This past week or so has had alot of ups and downs.  Trying to keep my stress down has been a bit difficult.  James and I have had alot of 'therapy' like discussions. Even though it's been a bit hard, it's been a really good thing.  I think knowing our little babe will be here within the next few weeks or so makes things very very real.  We have so many amazing things to look forward to though.  The biggest being this sweet little girl... Our porch is in the middle of getting completely renovated and it's going to be so amazing.  My blessingway is next week, and I'm really looking forward to connecting with my women in this intimate way. 

Our next midwife appointment will be our home visit!!! Yay!  It's a huge benchmark to pass b/c it means we have the green light for a home birth.  At our 35 week appointment a few days ago I measured 35", got to listen to her little heartbeat again and be reassured she is still in great position and all is going good.  Each appointment is like a breath of fresh air. 

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These might be might favorite maternity portraits so far.  This Boys + Arrows swimsuit & robe are just so feminine and make me feel so pretty with my big ol' belly.  These were last week's 33 week portraits. (I'm 34 weeks today). Gosh it is flying by!!!

We started birthing classes last week and so far it has been a very great and interesting experience.  It practically brought on a full therapy session the whole way home between James and I, and I think that is a really good thing. 

We also had our baby shower this weekend.  It turned out so perfect and beautiful.  Since we had it at our house, I had been preparing for it for weeks, but the two days before the shower I had cleaned so much, and done so much that I worked myself up into a complete frenzy.  Stressed out, crying, uptight, exhausted.  Then the day of I felt so much better.  It was like a huge sigh of relief to know the day had finally arrived.  So many people came despite the nasty rainy weather, and no one seemed to care that we were packed like sardines in the house instead of getting to enjoy the backyard.  It made it feel very intimate, which is what I wanted anyway.  It was basically a bunch of people I love, all in one space together, having conversations, loving on each other, showering us with love, etc.  I honestly hate baby showers, all the games, etc... so I decided to just not do any of that at mine.  Just have people mingle and enjoy each other and that is just what we did.  It was so nice to see some people I hadn't seen in years.  And it warms my heart to know that alot of my parents old friends are still my friends, even long after they are gone. 

After my shower it literally took me two full days to recover.  My body was so sore I could barely walk and I was completely exhausted, mentally, physically, every which way.  And now I am having so much fun washing all the little clothes I have, and going through our sweet shower gifts.  What a blessing!

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OUTFIT DETAILS: swimsuit + robe - boys + arrows // bracelet - flourish leather // necklace - roots & feathers (from my personal collection)


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Finally getting around to posting last week's belly portraits.  These were taken at 32 weeks.  This has truly become one of my favorite weekly rituals that I look forward to.  I usually do them in the morning, along with my decaf coffee, and soak in the beautiful morning light in my window and whatever fresh flowers James bought me just for the photos.  I will treasure these photos forever.  I have never loved my belly more, I think I've already said that a million times, but it's true.  I've never really loved my belly, it's always been a place I try to hide, but pregnancy has completely changed that.  I wish I could walk around everywhere with it out!!!  And I know I only have a few weeks left of that feeling. 

Today we have another midwife appointment and start our birthing classes!  I'm a bit nervous about the classes, and I think James is too.  Mostly b/c it's something new and we don't know what to expect, and also b/c it really makes things feel more real and immanent. 

My baby shower is this sunday, and it's at my house, so I've been tirelessly working on keeping my house clean, rearranging, and setting things up.  I've made a million lists.  I probably should of had it somewhere else so I could just relax and show up, ha ha, but I thought it would be alot more personal and intimate to do it at our house.  I am just praying it doesn't rain like it is forecasted to.

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Find this awesome swimsuit at Boys + Arrows (so many cute suits) - Kimono is Spell & the Gypsy, but I don't think they have it anymore (all of their stuff is to die for though)