Around the time I found out I was pregnant at about 5 weeks, I began to really feel the first trimester symptoms hit me. By week 6, they were full on. All day nausea and extreme fatigue, and my goals instantly shifted from what is on my to do list today to what can I eat and how can I keep myself from throwing up. It was literally a morning to night challenge and all I could focus on for a while. Luckily that transitioned into I'm just so tired, but it still completely put my life otherwise on hold, for several weeks. Now that I'm starting to get back to normal, I'm going through all the things that just lingered on my to do list, and other promises I had made before even knowing I was pregnant, that I never even got to. It's pretty damn overwhelming to say the least, and my email inbox has over 4,000 unread emails in it, luckily alot of junk mail, but tons of unanswered real emails, from real people, that I feel bad Ive left hanging. So slowly I am going to weed through these tasks until hopefully one day I'll get caught up so my mind can rest easy through the rest of this pregnancy. So, if you are waiting for a response from me, whether in email, IG, fb, etc... please be super patient with me. It's a huge chunk to chew on after being out of it for so many weeks.
So, here is an outfit post I shot about 2 months ago, before I chopped all my hair off! It was getting so long, and even though I regretted it the first few weeks, I'm now so happy I did. It's so much healthier and so much easier to deal with right now that I'm not washing it nearly as much as I did before. It's been a nice change, refreshing.
This top from dir69 is insane! The handsewn details of the cowrie shells on the sleeves, what? It's just a very unique piece, unlike anything else in my closet. And yes, I know my pants are wrinkled as hell, I just didn't care. These free people pants are some of my favs. I have them in two different patterns. I found these on ebay for about 1/4 of the original price. That's how I roll with FP.
Even though fall is my favorite season, I'm really ready for spring this year since I'm pregnant. I'm ready to spend my days outdoors, soaking up the earth and sunshine, gardening, walking, etc. I cannot wait. I feel like I'm waking up from my own hibernation, and now we are going into winter. Ive been feeling really house bound lately. But this season shall pass, and I will work on enjoying it as much as I can while its here...