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A few little snippets from the past week or so.  These pieces of home posts are probably my favorite series that I do here on the blog.  I'm a bit sad Ive gotten so behind on them.  I may just have to go back into my archives of photos and post some even if they are older.  Time and life have been a juggle the past two months, that is for sure! 

I am feeling so absolutely blessed in life right now.  Big dreams are happening, for both James and I, and it really feels like we are in it together.  It's a beautifully flourishing time for our creative paths, and things are starting to happen, to fall into place, some of our wildest dreams are coming true, and things are shifting.  Alot of it feels scary and intimidating, but at the same time exhilarating.  As I feel myself shaking in my knees with nerves, I also feel my spirit growing each day.  One thing I'm learning this year, and the universe is kind of forcing me into learning, is confidence.  Confidence in myself.  I'm such a homebody, and spend most of my time either alone or with James, literally 90% of my time.  I'm having to step out of my comfort zone in big ways.

On Friday we get to attend the Free People Festival in Austin and meet some people we have been working with online for a while!  We are so thrilled.  It's also one example of my fears.  Being in crowds and meeting new people.  As an introvert, these simple things can be a bit overwhelming, and I can dwell on it for days before it even happens.  I envy those who don't even think twice about these kinds of things.  In my head it seems so silly to feel this way, but I accept the fact that I do, and I am going to push through and open myself up no matter how I feel.  Once I get past the nerves I know how fun its going to be, surrounded by beautiful creative people, meeting online connections, getting to see one of my favorite bands play, and maybe even meeting some of my sweet readers that visit my little blog, who knows!

I know its a good thing for the universe to stretch me.  Stretching may feel uncomfortable, but I know it means growth, and growth is always a good thing in my book.  I hope each step I take out into the world leaves me a little more confident in my skin than the day before. 

(btw, that big beautiful dreamcatcher up there, is from Of the Wolves... is it not insanely gorgeous?)