via rootsandfeathers.com

2015. So far it has blown by so quickly it's hard to keep up with what month I am in.  At least that is the way it feels most days.  It's been very UP and very DOWN. And the changes happen so rapidly, like within days, sometimes hours.  And most days seem to spring the unexpected on you that you can't expect to know how your day will go.  Things I have planned to get done, seem to keep getting pushed back by other events, by blows emotionally, by whatever.  And then the 'catch up' feels so overwhelming that I just want to play in daydream land, and at times I just allow myself too b/c I know it's exactly what my body needs.  PLAY.  These images are from one of those days.

via rootsandfeathers.com

In order for things to really leave our bodies, they have to come back up for re-examination.  That is what has been happening to me alot lately.  Deep changes.  Deep reflections.  Old feelings coming up showing me the ways I have beaten myself up, felt not good enough, pretty enough, worthy enough, whatever enough.  Old emotional patterns, things Ive allowed others to make me feel about myself, history.  And its time to re-write my story.  Create a new one that leaves the negative self talk behind.  One that fully embraces myself, in all ways, with pure love for self.  Eclipse Season, thank you.

via rootsandfeathers.com

It's time to be done with defining myself from my past.  Time to be done with caring what others might think of me.  Time to be done with any what-if's.  Time to be done with fearing the future, and fully trust the process of this journey.  Time for a new day.

via rootsandfeathers.com

outfit details: dress - chicwish // hat - moorea seal // necklace - love + leather