
My bone and skull collection has been growing alot over the past year or so and I have been wanting to organize a spot or cabinet in my home to put them all.  On a whim the other day I decided it was the day to make it happen.  I found a shelf I had stored in my garage that was painted bright yellow, I rummaged through the paints that were left behind from the previous owners of our house to see what I could paint it with, and decided on the white that was the same paint for our trim.  Funny b/c I never though I would intentionally paint something white in my life, but I actually love it. 

All of my skulls and bones have either been found in the woods, or given to me from my brother or friends who also found them in the woods.  There are a few I did not include on the shelf, including a 2 deer skulls, a horse skull, and obviously my longhorn skull.  I love the variation of skulls that has come into my life.  My favorite is still my little turtle skull my brother gave me for christmas this past year.  He has given me my best pieces and just adore them. 

I'm just excited they have a home now.  Any other bone collectors out there?  Do you have photos of your arrangements?  I love to peek into others curiosity cabinets...


sacred space on roots and feathers
sacred space on roots and feathers
sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers

It has been some time since I have shared my sacred space here on the blog.  During this last full moon I created a new space in my home for my intentions and questions.  This space has moved around my home so many times, but change like this always feels good and moves the energy around, so I love it.

As you may have gathered from my blog over the past month I have had some deep emotional things that have been on my heart.  And alot of synchronicity has been showing up for me.  I kept having dreams about bats, so I looked them up in my Animal Speak book and learned they are associated with the Tarot card, The Hanged Man, so I pulled the card out of my Medicine Woman deck, which in that deck its titled Vision.  Then the next day, on the full moon I did a 3 card spread with my Earth Magic deck and the first card I pulled was Vision Quest, essentially the same card.  And its an intense card.  I won't go into all it meant for me, but it was cool pulling both of those cards in unison.  For months now I have been pulling the same cards over and over and over again and I'm beginning to see a real pattern in the answers, its been a really amazing experience.

I added a few other animal elements that have been speaking to me through my dreams, including peacock and turtle.  I didn't have anything the represented the frog or he would be up there too.  Also a few stones Ive been working with for a while including shiva lingum, lapis lazuli and a selenite that was recently gifted to me.

Creating space for time and intention to go within has been such a good experience for myself and my personal growth and emotional healing. 

Oh, and and fun animal experience I had this week was getting to see a porcupine in person up close!  We were out at my parents house having some dirt dumped to fix the driveway, and while James was waiting for the guy to arrive, I went down the driveway to go walk around a bit.  I spotted a tree I had never really paid attention to before and was so drawn to it.  I walked up closer and was just in awe of the leaves that had turned yellow and the amazing knotted roots of the tree.  It is one of the most magnificent trees.  I was standing there in awe of it and then I looked up and right above my head was a porcupine in the tree!!!  At first it spooked me b/c I was not expecting to see that, but I quickly realized from his body language that I did not need to be afraid.  He was in his own little slow world.  For the most part he was just taking a nap, but at one point I did get to see him slowly move around and even get up and scratch his belly.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I felt like a child in magical amazement over this creature.  It felt so intimate, something I knew I may never experience again in this lifetime.  The only time I have ever seen a porcupine is either dead on the road (sadly) or scurrying into the bushes at night.  He was so cute.  So cute.  Im honored I got to experience him and learn a little more about this creature.  Just the night before I was excitedly showing James a few porcupine quills I had just received in the mail that I'm going to use for a project, so that was another fun synchronicity. 


painted eagle wall.JPG

I just wanted to share this photo b/c I think it's rad.  This is a wall in Kerrville, and I always see it but I finally decided to take my picture next to this big guy.   

The eagle brings us into new awareness through flight, showing us to see a higher perspective and new way off seeing.  As well as using our timing and accuracy to grasp what we are after before it is gone.  It is a visionary, expanding our spirit and asking us to go deeper into our quest.  To involve ourselves in acting upon our missions.  Also to look to see if we are in balance, or our of balance in our lives.  It gives us faith in the healing process, whether its physical or emotional.  It reminds us that we have the freedom to choose our own paths, and to respect that in others as well.  It shows us to be courageous in the face of our fears, to expand our spiritual awareness and to learn that the good and bad in life both have its place to create balance. 

So many strong messages this sacred animal brings.  I'm glad I decided to stop for this photo even if just to bring this awareness back into focus in my own life. 



A few weeks ago I decided to stake out for a bit to take photos of my little hummingbird friends.  Almost every morning they buzz around my head and they are just so splendid to watch play.  But they are so hard to get a photo of b/c they are so fast!  So I stood up on a chair about 10 feet away from their feeder as still as I could be for about 15 minutes until they started to come back up to the feeder.  It was soooooo fun trying to catch them in action.  And omg, is he not the cutest?  This little guy is the least colorful one we have.  But I think it is still just so precious!!! 


Yesterday I got to witness the coolest thing.  You may remember my blog post two years ago about my enchanting encounter with one right after my dad died.   That was the only time Ive ever seen a roadrunner in my own backyard!  Well, a few days ago on the way home we saw two roadrunners, one right after another.  Everytime I see one I think of my dad, which brings a flood of emotions ranging from peace to utter sadness.  Then, yesterday I looked out my backyard to find TWO roadrunners in my backyard.  One was sitting on our picnic table and one was right under the steps of our porch.  He was too fast to catch with my camera.  I watched them run around the backyard for a bit and then they hopped up onto the fence and then went on their way.  But one did stop in a sunny spot, spread its wings out and laid flat on the ground for about 5 minutes and just sun bathed.  It was the coolest thing to see.  Then they went in separate directions and I could hear them calling each other through the woods.  So so rad to witness. 

I must admit I get a little uneasy when I see roadrunners now.  For me they forshadowed my dad's death.  Even though I see my dad in them now, which most times brings me comfort, I still can't shake the deep message I got from them before.  I think their is a significance of seeing them in two's also.  Just not sure what.  My dad may just be showing up to remind me not take things so seriously and to lighten up a bit.  I know I could use some of that in my life lately! The hummingbird has a similar message, so that very well could be it!

I am absolutely fascinated with this bird.  Their markings are... remarkable.  I'm so honored that they decided to play in my backyard. 

Oh!!! Then after that happened I saw the cutest thing... A squirrel was digging in the dirt and made a little hole, and then proceeded to lay his belly in the hole and stretch his arms straight out and just lay there in the shade on the cool freshly dug dirt.  It was precious to say the least!  I often see them lounging on our bird bath, all sprawled out, but I have never seen one do that!   

I love living in an area where I can watch things like this happen.  I wouldn't trade it for anything!