Roots & Feathers

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Yesterday we celebrated my Nanna’s 87th birthday. I always forget to take photos of us, and even though neither of us were having our best hair day, I had James snap a few of us before we left. My Nanna has always been one of my favorite humans on this earth, since I was a little girl. We just have a certain bond that you don’t have with many. I can tell her anything and know that she has my back. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders + supporters. She has filled the shoes of my mom in so many ways. And oh my goodness the way she loves Ava. She just adores her the way any grandmother (or great) should. It’s the most precious thing in the world to watch them interact. Ava loves her just as much.

My Nanna is always remarking on my kimonos when I wear them, so I got her one for herself for her birthday. She loved it, and she looks so beautiful in it. I love that her little pup Amber happened to be in these pics too! She is the sweetest pup you will ever meet, especially for a chihuahua!

I just wanted to share these photos here so they would have a permanent spot to live. 2020 brought us closer than ever, and even though it was a rough road for my Nanna after breaking her hip, there were alot of silver linings.