Roots & Feathers

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Yesterday we found this sweet Mockingbird in our yard, who had already crossed to the other side. Ava was with me when I found it so I decided to share with her what I usually do with animals who have crossed... but before I could even begin to tell her, she just knew. She said mom, it needs a nest, let me go make it one. Then she brought this bowl full of leaves to me. Then she said, it needs sticks, birdies like sticks. Then we picked fallen flowers off the ground and arranged them in an honoring way around the sweet bird. She wasn’t upset at all, like she innately knew that it’s death was a part of life. She did exactly what I would of done with her own instincts. It was so incredible to witness. We put the birdie under my moms angel statue for nature to take care of the rest.


Then last night I hopped in the tub to pull some cards for the upcoming full moon eclipse. One of the cards I pulled was The Flyers, aka knight of wands in traditional decks. In this deck it speaks of coming into contact with a winged one, to gain more insight. I would definitely say that happened. So, on to the Mockingbird...


Keynote: Finding your Sacred Song (soul purpose) + Recognition of your innate abilities... I have been getting so many messages lately about a change in course, transition in soul purpose, a new path... I don’t know what that looks like at the moment, but my hands are opening.


After my dad died, I had some very specific + strong messages from the animal kingdom, especially the flyers. One of their dear friends told me one day that God will show up in ways we are willing to see, and from that moment my heart was set at ease with my connection to spirit. But I haven’t felt that deep connection in quite a while until recently, and the flyers have come again to open me back up to something grander. I may not connect with God in the way most do, but I feel the messages + inner knowing through nature. This is my connection to spirit.