Roots & Feathers

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My 37 week belly was adorned with some beautiful henna by my friend Katelyn during my blessingway that she threw for me.  I'm so happy I snapped these photos when I did b/c it faded quickly and now just about completely gone.  She did any amazing job though and my belly never felt so royal.  Last wednesday was when I hit 37 weeks and got the green light for our home birth.  Friday we had our home visit with our midwives.  Such a special crossroad.  I can hardly believe how close we are to meeting this little baby.  Wild.  Just plain wild.

Today I am 38 weeks.  Ive had a couple really emotional days this week, but today I am stretching past it and focusing on a few things that I need to get done.  Tomorrow is our last birthing class, which is relieving and sad at the same time.  Relieving b/c it's so far away and so late at night, but sad b/c we are really enjoying it and our teacher.  I'm so glad we experienced it together.

I have been having alot of braxton hicks contractions this week.  My belly is constantly tightening up, as well as my lower back on the sides.  Babies movements are quite crazy.  Even though it's not so much of a kick as before since she doesn't have as much room, it's more like feeling her entire leg rub against me from the inside.  It's such an incredible + bizarre feeling.  She is still comfortably in the same position she has been in for a few months now, head down and slung over on the right side of my belly.

Tomorrow we will be bringing our birthing tub home and I'll be able to start setting up my sanctuary.  That is really going to make things feel very real.  But I am so happy I get to have this option and have the time and space to make it feel sacred.  

I have never prepared for anything in my life more than I have for this baby, yet I still feel so unprepared.  I guess that is just how it must feel when becoming a new mama for the first time.