Roots & Feathers

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Lately, my studio have been a wreck!  Fitting all of my work into one bedroom is a challenge.  And I begin to feel claustrophobic in my creative space when it gets this way.  So, I decided to take back over the second spare room in our house.  At least a corner of it.  I moved all of my fabrics and supplies for making my dreamcatchers and gypsy flags in there.  So now I have a textile space and a jewelry space.  It feels so good.  Bella helped me rearrange, of course...

This is our new view.  Since I work on the floor.  Bella likes to get up in the window seal while I work.  I can now open the window and hear the birds or the wind in the trees.  Its perfect.  And in the evenings, the sun sets on this side, so I get to see the light spilling through the cracks in the trees and leaves.  Its magic.

I also added a tiny sacred space in the room.  The word art was a gift from a dear friend, and its from Messy Canvas.  The words she chose for me were absolutely perfect.  I feel so blessed to have such friends in my life.

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